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Diabetes information In Hindi

डायबिटीज (Diabetes) Tips मधुमेह  (Diabetes)  एक बहुत ही आम और खतरनाक बिमारी है. भारत में हर पांच में से एक व्यक्ति को डायबिटीज (diabetes) है...

कैसे करें Diabetes कंट्रोल ? Diabetes Tips in Hindi

कैसे करें Diabetes कंट्रोल ? Diabetes जिसे  मधुमेह  भी  कहा जाता  hai एक गंभीर बीमारी hai जिसे धीमी मौत साइलेंट किलर  भी कहा जाता hai। Diabe...

Impediments in Diabetes Treatment

Impediments in Diabetes Treatment In Delhi and other big metros Diabetes prevalence close to 10% of the population, Diabetes is a chronic il...

Women and Diabetes

This is the story of Manisha, who's just celebrated her 34th birthday and is a mother of 2, she works in  an MNC as an accounts executiv...

Stress and Diabetes

WHAT IS STRESS? Stress   is a natural feeling that is created in the mind, and is the way the body responds to a particular threat. Stress t...

Herbal Healing Traditions

Herbal Healing Traditions In absence of modern medicinal facilities specially in far flung areas, people have traditionally been relying on ...